The Caterpillar and the Butterfly


 From Caterpillar to Butterfly


Once I was a caterpillar, then a butterfly!!!

I use to crawl around a lot!  Now I like to fly!

I crawled around as best I could to get to where I went;

“Slow as Christmas” they would say, but It was time well spent!

I’d stop along a flower leaf and warm up In the sun,

Or visit Mr. Worm awhile and that’s when we’d have fun!

We’d race up trees and flower stems to see who won the race.

With all my legs and fuzzy belly, I had time to waste!

Soon the day came, it was time for my nap!

When I’d wrap myself up and weave me a cap!

Warm and safe, I slept a long time; the day I awoke,

I was feeling just fine!  Little did I know when I lay down to nap,

That I would grow and grow right out of my cap!!!

I wiggled and I stretched till I set myself free,

And you’ll never guess what happened to me?

I looked nothing the same and had wings of all colors!

Even antennas or something or other!?!?

It really didn’t matter what all these parts were,

Cause now I could fly to the end of the earth!

I saw Mr. Worm and I told him goodbye! 

That once I was a caterpillar but now a butterfly!!!

Pamela Elaine Tharp

as published by

 The National Library of Poetry

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